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Sword Of The Spirit

Empower Your Faith Through Learning, Understanding, and Application

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Giving your life to Jesus is one of the most rewarding decisions you can make. But after you leave church service--then what? What are your next steps?

How do I pray? Where in the Bible do I start reading? What church do I go to? Or I'm stuck, how do I get back on the path?

It's very hard to start a journey without a map or at least knowing where you are going. Sadly this is the feeling that most new converts feel after making one of the most important decisions of their life.

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Everyone Is Welcome

Purposed Podcast

Take your Faith to the next level by learning God's word, understanding how it affects your life, and how to apply it to walk in your purpose.


Essential Freedom

Experience emotional healing from trauma, rejection, brokenness, and abandonment through inner healing forgiveness therapy.


1-On-1 Prayer

For those who need Prayer or Coaching. Deepen your relationship with God.


eCourse & Webinar


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding; In all you ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your step.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Hello, I'm Ileana

Founder of Sword of the Spirit

I am a Prophetic Intercessor, Inner Healing Life Coach,  and Bible Teacher. 

My ministry entails bringing Christians to their maturity in Christ by learning, understanding, and application. And setting you free from past and current emotional pain such as abandonment, rejection, and anxiety through inner healing.

I am also a Life group Bible teacher and Prayer team leader at my local church, where people are our focus.

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On The Blog

Does your Life Match Your Word?

Mar 13, 2024

Do You know God's Acts or his Ways?

Mar 20, 2024

Is your fig tree Barren

May 06, 2023

Reflections on the Cross

Mar 30, 2024

Serving God not Disproving his Existence

May 27, 2023

Are you praying the Wrong Prayer

May 02, 2023


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