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Serving God not Disproving his Existence

god exists May 27, 2023

In today’s atmosphere, many people are maligned for being Christian or standing up for Jesus. There is a constant onslaught to disprove that God exists or that the Bible is true. One day all will know the truth and every eye shall see it. There is nothing wrong with living a life of values and morals and honoring the person that gave his life for you. If I die and I find out none of the things I believe is true I don’t lose anything, but if you live a life built on your own selfish desires and don’t honor or serve Jesus and you die and find out everything you believed is a lie you lose everything.

Maybe the reason things haven't worked out for you as a Christian is that you spend most of your time disbelieving that God is a miracle-working God. One of the miracles of the Gospel is that you don't have to do it, but he does. When you let go of trying to control every aspect of your life God will step in and do the impossible, which is why the bible says, "there is nothing impossible with God."

God gives you the choice of life and death. Chose life so that you may live.